Wednesday, May 21, 2008


One morning, when i woke up, I turned on the television, cause it's my daily routine to see what's on. As I scanned the channels, I ended up in a show wherein the topic is all about the situation of the world regarding matters that includes money, and it is compared and situated in the bible. The narrator states that nowadays, the world is now getting very very near to a situation for what she calls cashless society. Maybe you're trying to figure out what it is.. Well, cashless society, as stated by the TV show narrator, it is the state of a society wherein money (as in the paper money) will not be used frequently or not to be used completely (in the future). Instead, we use smart cards such as credit cards, debit cards, and other forms of smart cards for us to fulfill or make an exchange of goods and services (buying and selling).
But why is it on the controversy? Why is it discussed? Is this technology an advantage or a disadvantage to the society?
Yes! It is portable, easy to use and very convenient. But, take note.. there's nothing in the world that has a complete and excellent quality.
The narrator stated that using this smart card rather than real cash is not a real good thing for which privacy is taken from an individual owning a certain smart card.
How? When you acquired a smart card, you then have an account in the bank or institution or company or whatsoever. The bottom line is.. the computer system is controlled by a person, obviously, for which he/she has the key or the authority to check or watch over your account. Get it? (I'm not discouraging people in acquiring such card, I'm just discussing what I've seen on that TV show)
Or.. your account could be hacked and then hackers can manage themselves to your account, or let's say your money can be stolen! Ain't cool, right?
In other countries, National ID system is used for protection against terrorism. These IDs' are still smart cards. As what I've said.. "Privacy"
As discussed and situated in the bible, in the book of revelations, stated that there will come a time that all who can only buy and sell goods are those who just have the number 666. Scary?
It means that there will come a time that the anti-Christ is in control of all of us, that we do not have that "privacy" anymore.
As I understood, it means that as the world's technology even got powerful, the more we will be more-believer in things rather than God. Get it?
We are diverted in a world wherein such things might take over the control and authority over us!

Let us keep the balance over things around us and let God be first in our way! =)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

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