Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Another theory of evolution?

In science, we all know the famous theory of "evolution of man" by Charles Darwin.. It states that all human being originally came from apes.. That we just gone through to a stage of evolution.. Respectively from homo Habilis, homo rudolfensis, homo ergaster, homo erectus, homo heidelbergensis, neandertals up to the modern- homo sapiens..

Now, the bottom line is.. If this theory of "evolution of man" is true..

Then why there are people who look like horses?

Is it an another theory of evolution?

think about it.. =)


Anonymous said...

amazing ha..heheh

Anonymous said...

the theory of evolution says we came from the same ancestors as the apes.. :D

Anonymous said...

the therory of evolution is WRONG!!! evelution is wrong cause if we evolved from apes y dont we keep repeating the process???

Anonymous said...

the guy who think evolution is a idiot cuz we have to wait a few million years before anything happens

Anonymous said...

er th isiot who said its wrong

Anonymous said...

hey mr. anonymous, you're the one who's idiot. can't you see it's only a joke? you don't get it. haha. poor you.. even your grammar is so pathetic.

Anonymous said...

hey mr. asshole, you're the one who's idiot. can't you see it's only a joke? you don't get it. haha. poor you.. even your grammar is so pathetic.

Martin J Sallberg said...

There are some interesting non-Darwinian theories of evolution. Some of them are described in the articles "Self-organization" and "Inheritance of acquired characteristics" on topic page "Evolution" on http://purescience.wikia.com